Mr.K.Selvaraj. Chairman Emeritus

Ravilla Vidyalaya  (KRA CBSE) School

Educational Qualification:
LTM – PSG, Coimbatore – India.

Business Management – Liverpool College of Commerce & Science, Bolton University – UK.

Mr.K.Selvaraj has had an illustrious career spanning almost Five decades with Lakshmi Mills in the capacity of Regional Vice President.

In the year 2008 at the age of 75, he retired from Lakshmi Mills but continued to manage the educational institutions till the age of 85.

Under his management were two colleges and three schools belonging to the Lakshmi Mills group and he was the Managing Trustee for two family-run schools.

At the age of 85, he stepped down from the post of Managing Trustee and continues to be in the trust board
as Chairman Emeritus

Vice President of Tamilnadu Hockey

Mr.K.Selvaraj an eminent sports person in his college days was the combined PSG college athletics captain and football captain. He was also the Vice President of Tamilnadu Hockey
Association and was instrumental in selecting four players from Tamilnadu who went on to represent INDIA. Baskaran the last Olympic gold medal winning captain in Hockey was one of the four to represent INDIA.