The New Normal

The third wave of the pandemic with serious health conditions threatens the physical gathering at schools and the comfort that comes with it, however, looking at the brighter side technology in education has grown in leaps and bounds fast-forwarding to a new pace and the disruption has spearheaded a new horizon in teaching and learning.

Remote education is the best choice to preserve education. We need to re-image learning using a mix of traditional offline methods with new online tools. This is the only way for the future and survival. The 21st century was preparing us to anticipate change and today education has become the direct reflection of change.

Education has evolved into another dimension not just restricted to mere lectures and chalk and talk, it has become flexible as teachers are given the flexibility to structure and evaluate assignments, students are becoming independent learners, learning is at their own pace and individualised.

Visual learners are highly benefitted so it is very important for us at this juncture to pay attention to developing the teacher to meet the technological advances and to make classes interactive to minimise side-tracking, distraction and decline in education, to make up for the personal disconnect and develop the social and emotional skills, the hardware and the technical difficulties and disruptions. The physical exercise and health education we need to focus on.

We at Ravilla institutions have made a program that has been attempted to recreate the classroom environment as much as possible.

We are equipping our students to live in the age of unpredictability by supporting to the maximum with a schedule and logging on to a virtual classroom to complete assignments.

Our online pedagogy is focused on the blooms taxonomy with SAMR, SEL Classes, we base our pedagogy on the multiple intelligence theory of Howard Gardner and also incorporated the UN SDG for sustainable living as a part of our curriculum.

The auditory and the kinaesthetic learner has been included in offering audiobooks and podcasts, the kinaesthetic learner has interactive sessions with apps and creating models and hands-on experiments done at home. The exposure for project-based learning and collaborative learning through our webinars.

The students are getting exposure to various subjects and this can be seen through a glance into our virtual school last year.

We are looking forward to a very fruitful year and our association with Cognizant outreach to learn technology and many other forms of training for our staff has made us confident that we can offer the best online education comparable to any international standards.

Our assessment of the students has also been transformed and it’s focused on mastery of the concept rather than mere marks in an answer paper. The open book exams with research will be the assessment rather than regular recall so we look forward to challenges to make our students the best equipped to face real life and get quality education.

The institutions under our banner work with our single focus on the question, is your ward happy to attend online? The emotional well being of the student is of utmost importance in this digital era. We value our association with NGOs s working closely to connect with society and take pride in our student’s service to the community. We invite you to enter our portals to understand Advaitam Satyamknowledge is the highest form of truth.